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Chefchaouen: The blue city Morocco

The blue city Morocco, is a small mountain village and entered the itinerary of trips to Morocco thanks to the many tourists who were enchanted by its simplicity and beauty of the streets and houses painted in blue and white.
Chefchaouen: this is the name of the blue town of Morocco.

Mariana Castillo

Today we will discover The Blue City of Morocco .

Let yourself be impressed by the colors, smells and flavors of Morocco! A unique, exotic trip that will make you fall in love with the bluest corner of the planet!

Morocco is very close to Spain, for this reason, there are many proposals for Getaways to Morocco leaving on weekends, excursions of 01 or 2 days to the neighboring country. Just by crossing the Strait of Gibraltar in less than 01 hour you will have an incredible experience.

The blue city of Chefchaouen is located in a mountain range called Rif which is the chain of mountains in the North of Morocco. For this reason, sometimes you will see proposals for trips through the rif.

At the top of the mountains surrounded by a great nature. Chaouen is also a paradise for travelers looking to disconnect from the modern world and get in touch with ancient and original Morocco. It is important to know that there are still places in northern Morocco that retain their originality, such as the Medina of the city of Tetouan.


How and why is the blue city of Morocco so called?

The name refers to its location. It is high in a valley of mountains (the Rif mountain range) and its peaks represent horns, that is why it is said to be a city located between the horns. Chefchaouen is also called Blue City Morocco, blue town, and its spelling and abbreviation can be Chaouen or Xaouen.

Mariana Castillo

Distance between cities

  • Chefchaouen to Casablanca 351 km 5h20min
  • Chefchaouen to Fez 212 km 3h50min
  • Chefchaouen to Tetouan 64km 1h30min
  • Chefchaouen to Tangier 112km 2h15min
  • Chefchaouen to Marrakesh 578 km 7h30min
recomendaciones turistas en Marruecos

How to get to Chefchaouen


As you may have seen on the Map above, the Blue Town of Chefchaouen is located in the mountains of Northern Morocco. Between cities, the easiest and most comfortable is to organize a trip departing from Tangier or Tetouan. You can also choose to make excursions to Chaouen departing from the South of Spain. Cities like Seville or Malaga have a wide range of trips to Morocco and some of them include a visit or even an overnight stay in Chefchaouen.
Chefchaouen is located in the north of Morocco. 60 km from Tetouan, on a very small and curved road, it takes about 1h30 to get there. From Tangier it will take about 2h15. because you will have to go to Tetouan and from there take the road that goes to Chaouen. From Fez to Chaouen you can take approximately 3h – 3h30 to arrive. It is 200 km away, but do not forget that the road is very old and winding, which does not allow cars to go faster, so the delay in arriving.

If you travel as a backpacker, buy a ferry from Tarifa to Tangier and from there negotiate a taxi to Chaouen, you will probably have to sleep there. There is a 01-day excursion, but only if you really do not have more time available.

Excursion to Chefchaouen

There is a spectacular visit that can be done by combining the medina of Tetouan, the city of Tangier and the visit of Chaouen. weekends (Friday to Sunday). It is a perfect getaway to do as a couple, family or small groups of friends. Below you can see more details of the tour if you visit the link Trip to Morocco 3 days

If you like adventure, you can go to Chaouen on your own, but forget about spending the day. Between ferry, transport and arrival it will take a long time to connect, it is only possible if you go on an organized trip, that the operators have already arranged everything, ferry, transport to Chaouen. Do not forget that between the ferry and the road, Chaouen is almost 3h30 from Spain.

Likewise, some travel agencies can offer you a package with ferry+transport+accommodation, which, if you do the math, can give you a better price than traveling on your own.

The reason for this is very simple, some companies get a good rate on the ferries, the answer is very simple, to get to Chaouen you must hire a private transport. Taxi or a 4×4 that takes you from the Port of Tanger to the city.

taxi en marruecos

The weather in Chefchaouen

El verano en las montañas suelen ser muy calurosos. Si deseas realizar una ruta de Senderismo, recomendamos primavera y otoño. El invierno es muy bonito también en la ciudad de Chefchaouen. Al rededor de la ciudad en las montañas hay incluso nieve.



If you want to travel to Chaouen but you do not dare to organize everything alone, you should look at these options that I will indicate below.


Getaway to Northern Morocco

Weekends in Morocco !

Tkts Fast ferry
Traslado opcional viernes desde Málaga / Costa del Sol / Sevilla hasta Algeciras ( opcional)
Visitas a Tetuán + Tánger, Assilah + Chaouen
Pensión Completa
2 noches hotel
Viernes Regreso Domingo

Gather your friends and enjoy a great and super affordable getaway to Morocco. Discover all the charms of this exotic country so close to us!
From225 €
(70 Reviews)
View Details
Marrocos Cidade Azul

Getaway to Morocco

Weekends in Morocco !

Tkts Fast ferry
Traslado opcional viernes desde Málaga / Costa del Sol / Sevilla hasta Algeciras ( opcional)
Visitas a Tetuán + Tánger + Chaouen
Pensión Completa
2 noches hotel
Viernes Regreso Domingo

Gather your friends and enjoy a great and super affordable getaway to Morocco. Discover all the charms of this exotic country so close to us!
From185 €
(48 Reviews)
View Details
Low cost getaway
getaway to morocco

Trip to Morocco Rif 2 days

2 days

Tkts Fast ferry + Bus desde Algeciras
Visita Tetuán + Chaouen
Pensión Completa
1 noche hotel en Tetuán
Sábado regreso Domingo

A Weekend Getaway Saturday and Sunday! Discover Tetouan and Chaouen (Blue Town). Full board, hotel and visits!
From145 €
View Details
Trip to Morocco cheap weekend

Trip to Morocco 3 days

3 days

Tkts Fast Ferry
Bus from Malaga / Costa del Sol / Seville to Algeciras (optional)
Visit Tetouan + Tangier + Chefchaouen
Full board
2 nights hotel Tetouan
Friday Return Sunday

A 3-day trip to discover the north of Morocco. Guided visits to the cities of Tangier, Tetouan and Chefchaouen (Morocco's Blue Town) in Full Board and with transfers from Andalusia.
From185 €
(50 Reviews)
View Details

If you want to travel on your own to Chaouen, worry about booking: Ferry Boat | Hotel | Transportation .

The Ferry Boat Tarifa to Tangier with FRS . They are the boats that commonly make this route, about 8 times a day. Book on their website and when you arrive in Tangier take a taxi to Chaouen.

What is the price of a Taxi from Tangier to Chaouen?

Normally each way you will have to pay about 8 to 10 euros per person. But you have to haggle a lot. In Morocco, the first price they tell you is not always the final price.

Is it possible to pre-book a taxi from Tangier to Chaouen?

No. The ideal is to do it at the moment you arrive at the port, it may even be that you are lucky that there are more people who take the taxi, in these cases it is very common in Morocco to travel by taxi with more people.

But if you want to BOOK A PRIVATE TRANSPORTATION TO CHAOUEN FROM THE PORT OF TANGIER, you can check the prices at this link.

If I am in Marrakech, how can I get to Chefchaouen?

You can take the train to Casablanca and from there to Tangier (AVE) It is a High Speed Train. In Tangier, take a taxi or hire a private transport service to take you to Chaouen.

How long does the train from Casablanca to Tangier take?

You can take the train to Casablanca and from there to Tangier (AVE) It is a High Speed Train that takes approximately 2h15. You can leave on the 7 am train, arriving around 9:15 am in Tangier. Then you will have more than 1h30 of road to Chaouen.

What to do in Chefchaouen

Visitas y excursiones


Marruecos es un lugar ideal para pasar sus vacaciones. pero en Chaouen lo que destacamos es la simplicidad del pueblo. ideal par relajarse y tomar un descanso del dia a dia ajetreado de las grandes ciudades. 

Fotografía, Compras y Senderismo.

Marruecos es el paraíso de los fotógrafos. A diferencia de las otras ciudades, en las que se toma la arquitectura árabe. La belleza de Chaouen está en el azul turquesa de sus calles y casas. Con un breve paseo a pie por la medina ya te hace sumergir en esta hermosa e inolvidable ciudad.
Además de la belleza de las calles azules, de los paseos a pie, podrás visitar el manantial que se encuentra en la parte superior de la ciudad donde las mujeres van a lavar la ropa.

La Artesanía local es de grande destaque. Hierro forjado, trabajos en madera, telares, etc. Hay una rica oferta de artesanía local autentica e incluso algunos lugares son cooperativas donde podrás ver los artesanos realizando sus trabajos manuales .

¿Visita guiada? Si no la tienes incluido en tu paquete, puedes aprovechar de la ciudad a su aire. No, usted no necesitará a un guía si estas en chefchaouen, solamente si vas hacer una ruta de senderismo en Chaouen, eso si es recomendable un buen guia.  Si vas en un tour organizado a Marruecos las agencias colocan un guía local, pero para quien viaja por su cuenta, podrá hacer un recorrido a pie a su ritmo y conocer el lugar. El sabor del Té a la Menta en Marruecos es único. Estar sentado en un café observando la Plaza de la Alcazaba y relajándose en compañía de un té marroquí es un momento especial.


Como en todo Marruecos, también en Chaouen hay opciones para hacer el famoso Baño árabe, conocido cómo Hamman. Los alojamientos locales te pueden indicar locales, con hamman para reservar y también los masajes. Es muy relajante y deberias probar,

Te a la menta
Excursiones desde algeciras a marruecos ciudad azul.

Where to sleep in Chefchaouen


Los Riads son Alojamientos con encanto. No están catalogados con estrellas, como los hoteles, pero hay Riads de mejor calidad otros de calidad inferior. Para adaptar a los bolsillos de todos los viajeros.
Los Riads son alojamientos con encanto. Las casas árabes con toda la arquitectura andalusí, pátios, diseños, ventanas y puertas hacen de los riads verdades oásis dentro de la medina. La Medina de Chaouen tiene una infinidad de Riads . A Continuación les paso enlace de los riads mas conocidos y mejor valorados.

Where to eat and what to eat in Chefchaouen

Restaurantes y Platos tipicos

La comida Marroquí es muy variada: Ensaladas, Tajines, Cous Cous, pinchitos de carne … Y el lugar para comer es lo que no falta. Los restaurantes situados alrededor de la plaza principal de Alcazaba ofrecen muchas opciones. Si no desea comida marroquí, también podrá comer pollo, carne o sándwiches. El menú puede costar unos 7 a 9 euros.

couscous que comer en marruecos
ensalada marroquíe
tajine de kefta

Activities in Chefchaouen

Puente de Dios Chaouen

Trekking in Chefchaouen
Morocco is a country rich in walks. Near Marrakech, in the Atlas Mountains, Toubkal is one of the most visited mountains by hikers from all over the world. In exchange, in Chaouen, there is a great natural wealth, the Talamsamtame National Park and the Boulashen Park , which allows hiking for all levels of difficulty.

I’ve already had the opportunity to do the waterfall.

Hiking in Chefchaouen

But there are others that are worth it, such as the route of the famous Bridge of God , going to the Archour waterfall, from the city (always with a rural guide) and appreciating the nature around the city.

You can also add lunch in a country house or for the more daring, make routes that take you to the beach (approximately 3 days of travel sleeping in Auberges).

Chaouen is a good option for hiking fans, there are different levels of difficulty, which leaves a wide range of options for all ages.

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