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Recommendations for traveling to Morocco

A melhor maneira to travel to Morocco

Morocco is a country located north of the African continent on the frontier face of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Suas languages oficiais são or Arabic eo berbere; It also has other languages such as: Dariya, Rifeño, Tamazight, Tashelhit, French and Spanish.

This place offers a wide range of options to know what you need to wear or what to bring. As you travel to Morocco, we can represent for you an opportunity to get to know the better, get to know new cultures and live new experiences.

Preparing your trip  Moroccan

If Morocco is a destination that you are tempting to travel for the first time , you should know some indications about the place. It is not an easy country, but also it is not difficult to walk.
It is important that you know that each aspect must be fully appreciated and recognized. Here are some important topics to be considered:

To food and drink

Typical Moroccan food

Let’s eat with water; It is costume to drink torneiras, I recommend that you not buy mineral water. The refrigerants have a particularity: they are not manufactured in the same way for Moroccans. Observe cor before buying and avoid strong stomach problems. Not that I say I respect food, you are not a lover of fruits and legumes, because in Moroccans you are going to start being um. Also rua food barracks, they are delicious. You can experience them with caution and in small portions.

To moeda

The official Moroccan currency is or Dirham and its proportion is 11 Dirham for each euro. You can make changes to modern exchange houses. Read more about isso here. Change non Moroccan dinheiro . There are also banks and houses of moedas, the same you warm us onde vocêfica. If you want to, you can make payments in euros, it will be formal.

Barganha – Haggling

This modality is rooted in the Moroccan culture. For this action it is essential to make a purchase. Nesse sense, você é obrigado a fazê-lo by mais dor ou vergonha. You must think that you are a must in all the purchases you make.

Moroccan Alcoholic Drinks

Wine produced in Morocco

Alcoholic beverages represent a very complicated questão in this locality. I know that the culture of the man says not to drink this type of drink. The same restaurants in the region do not serve unless you are a tourist.
It is important to highlight or safeguard this service due to paid taxes. That is why I recommend that you drink your hotel drink and enjoy it in a Saudi way during your trips.

Conheça a Moroccan culture

A trip to Morocco came as a decision to go see a place as spectacular as this one. Therefore, you must seek the services of a travel agency that will help you to prepare your travels for Moroccans.
Finally, you only need to know two most spectacular tourist destinations in the world. I would like to emphasize that there are specialized agencies in exclusive travel for Moroccans, or that gera maior trusts not a traveler.

Know about the Moroccan culture and great help to avoid perrengues during a trip  .

I recommend that you learn some words or light with you some dictionary  to facilitate communication. You should know that or Arabic – Moroccan can fail other languages such as French and with less intensity or Spanish. Isso e feito with the intention of empathizing as a tourist who must return with basic saudações in his language.
On the other hand, Moroccan craftsmanship is very popular in the world and two of its inhabitants sat very proud. The trabalham in ceramics, basket, embroidery, jóias eo famous work of couro.

A special attention for the Ramadan

O Ramadan is a sacred religious activity for many people, who practice or jejum daily from being born in the sun. If you are traveling in an organized circuit , you will not feel any difference, therefore, it is important to know that the general trade opens later.

This event takes place not only one month of the calendar for many people and many tourists ask if it is convenient to go to the dates. A dúvida is reasonable because you need moments of food, fun and ficam activities radically paralyzed.
Go to whom Datas do Ramadão

These conditions limit the possibilities of seeing a very touristy Moroccan, to become very scarce. You want to see from time to time with these religious activities, you should plan your trips for Moroccans during Ramadan. The travelers of the time costumam descrever or the country is calmer during the day and noites be animated with people in the streets, ha, depois de jantar, the Moroccan costumam sair na rua apra to stroll.

Or that I should know that this ancient and sacred tradition that has changed. You can not have a different attitude for them during Ramadan.

An ideal bagagem when traveling to Morocco

Moroccans are two favorite tourist destinations in the Arab world. This is thanks to a diversity of options that it offers to its visitors. Uma das coisas that you should make in mind when traveling to Morocco or tempo. In this sense, plan bem or tempo gives your journey depending on the roupa that enters the game.
Marrocos offers a great variety of moments that you can immortalize in a camera. It is for this reason that two objects that you must carry in a camera. If you want to lead in this country, you need a mandatory motorcyclist card, if it will be impossible for you to face isso. To get money, a credit card or debitio will be your best ally, avoid census trips to the bank.

Lever medication:

You are afraid of some ills, such as foolishness, nausea, headaches,

• An empty mind, willing to be introduced to Moroccan culture and its options.
• As irão ajudá-lo riding boots on long walks, mainly for visiting the desert region.
• São comuns mosquitoes are mildly repellent.
• Protect yourself in the sun with a cream.
• For directing or driving license.
• Photographic camera with capacity.
• remedies for head pain, diarrhea.
• Cold face à night, then wear a warm jacket.

How to check Marrocos?

To get to Morocco, you can do it by air or by sea. You will choose to fly by plane, or Casablanca Mohammed V International Airport, from Marrakech or from Tangier, receiving two tourists.

Due to its proximity as Moroccans, tourists travel to the ferries that travel to the Maritime transport line through Estreito de Gibraltar.  .
This method of road and ideal for the inhabitants of Spain.

From ônibus you can go to Morocco, but it also depends on your location of origin. When you travel to Morocco, you must know the different means of transportation that exist. This will give you the opportunity to travel to other destinations.

Within the country you can travel by trem and through a company portal you can find prices and hours. A disadvantage is that it is very slow and the events that delay a trip can occur more than you imagine. A higher vantage or comfort and economy than a taxi.

It is transported by bus with its peculiarities. You should know that this means of transport is slow and bankrupt does not give way at any moment. It is considerably backward, but a popular meio for its inhabitants. This meio and ideal for areas where there is no taxis or short course.

Or taxi is another alternative, one of two main types of transport for an outstanding tourist. You deve ter in mind that, being a little confusing, it may be charged more than legal. As there are several options to unlocking when you travel to or Moroccans, escorts or whoever converts.

Qual é a melhor maneira de conhecer Marrocos?

Royal Palace in Marrakech

Moroccans offer the opportunity to be visited as a family, backpacker, luxury tourism or hiking. Thanks to your diversity of options, you, as a tourist, can escort you how to get to know this beautiful city.



Walking is an excellent option to get to know Moroccans, because your rhythm will be or transport service. Traveling with your family is an excellent opportunity to get together more with her and give them the opportunity to live new experiences. You are a backpacker, or Moroccan have spaces for you to have plenty of food and drink.
The latter can be combined with walking, or that can be a lot of money in transport. For the richest, or luxury tourism in Morocco exists. There are luxury hotels that will help you to live a VIP experience during your stay. Você terá refeições nacionais e internacionais, um bom negócio, quartos confortáveis, among other options.
As you can see, or Morocco is a country for everyone, it offers many options for you and your companions. Live a unique experience in this country. We can take care of planning to travel two serious dreams! Contact Almanatour Marrocos  .

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