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The tea route in Morocco

Tea is one of the most consumed beverages in Moroccan culture. As soon as you enter a house or your accommodation it will be offered to you as a sign of hospitality, so it may be impolite to refuse it.

In this post we are going to explain what types of tea you can find in Morocco and which are the best places and terraces where to drink Moroccan tea.

What types of tea are there in Morocco?

In Morocco you will taste different types of green tea if you visit different regions. That is why if you want to try them all, it is best that you make an extensive trip or that you consider traveling several times to Morocco.

Te verde Marroqui

In any case, these are the types of green tea that you will find:

  • The classic green tea with mint or without mint: In Northern Morocco they usually serve a very sweet green tea with mint, but if you go to the desert, there they may serve it without mint, so you will find it more bitter.
  • Green tea with absinthe: Some Moroccans add absinthe to their tea, especially in the winter season.
  • Green tea with saffron: If you visit the village of Taliouine you will see that they add saffron strands to the tea, which is produced there.
  • Green tea with pine nuts: You will find it in the regions closest to Tunisia, in Northern Morocco.
  • Green tea with gum Arabic: Some Moroccans like to add a little of this resin to the tea to give it a different texture.

Where are the best places to drink Moroccan tea?

Although in Morocco they serve tea all the time, let me tell you that in a nice place it will taste much better. That’s why I’m going to recommend several places to drink it:

The Continental Hotel in Tangier: Start your trip to Morocco with a green tea on the terrace of the Continental Hotel. You can access the terrace even if you are not staying there and you should know that it is worth taking a look at the common areas of this hotel where the series“El tiempo entre costuras” was filmed.

Hotel Continetal en Tanger

In addition, its terrace has a beautiful view of the port and the beach of Tangier.

Riad El Reducto in Tetouan: Staying in a riad is a must on your trip to Morocco. A riad is an accommodation in a typical Moroccan house that usually has an inner courtyard where you can have breakfast, lunch or tea and is usually decorated in a traditional way. It also has a beautiful terrace if you prefer to have a view.

Riad El Reducto

Riad El Reducto, in fact, is one of the best in all of Tetouan for tea and, in fact, was where the actors of“El tiempo entre costuras” spent the night.

We included it in the gala category of our two-night getaway to Morocco from 225€.

The desert of Merzouga: Enjoying a tea in a desert tent is a unique experience you will never forget. Contemplate the sunset and sunrise among the dunes of Merzouaga. You can do that with our 6 days desert getaway.

The medina of Fez: Take a tea break in the medina of Fez. The medina of Fez is one of the most beautiful in Morocco. There you will find many cafes with traditional Arab decoration and when you are done, you can browse the stores and stalls in the medina to take your own tea home or buy a wrought iron teapot and tea glasses as a souvenir.

Medina de Fez

The medinas are places where you can feel the essence of Morocco by smelling the spices, getting lost in its narrow streets and bargaining with the merchants.

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