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The dolmen route in the countryside of Antequera

In Andalusia, one of the towns you should definitely visit is Antequera. There it is known for the production of a type of bread, the molletes de Antequera, which is a delight at the time of having a good breakfast.

However, Antequera has much to offer the visitor, since it has more than 80% of the Monumental Heritage of the province of Malaga. And its churches, its convents and its beautiful palace houses are enough to enjoy a magnificent day of sightseeing. But there is still more.


Do not forget to visit the beautiful natural site of “El Torcal de Antequera”. You can also go to the “Peña de los Enamorados” and of course to the “Conjunto de Dólmenes”, which we will talk about next.

Is Antequera difficult to reach?

No, since it is connected to Malaga and Seville through the medium distance train. From the train station to the dolmens is a 23 minute walk, but you can take bus line 1 to get there, or stay overnight in the village if you prefer.

You can take advantage of your trip to visit the Alhambra with our tour from Malaga from only 84€.

What is a dolmen?

It is a megalithic construction with ritual or funerary purposes. What is impressive is how they managed to make them with the few resources they had at the time. The dolmens of Antequera are from the Neolithic and its Tholos is from the Chalcolithic. They were named Patrimono de la Humanidad by UNESCO in 2016.

A dolmen is formed by vertical and horizontal slabs that serve as a ceiling, thus forming different corridors and chambers.

How many dolmens are there in Antequera?

In total there are two dolmens in Antequera, although to their visit we can add another megalithic construction in the area, the Tholos del Romeral.

The Menga Dolmen

If you only have time to visit one, it must be the Dolmen of Menga. It dates from the Neolithic period and is of funerary type. It is a covered dolmen, with vertical and horizontal slabs, as we have explained before. It has a corridor, through which you will enter, which leads to a burial chamber.

Dolmen de Menga en Antequera

The dolmen is special because it is supported by vertical pillars. Something that is not usual in the Neolithic constructions. In this one they are necessary due to its great size and the tumulus that crowns it, of about 50 meters of diameter.

Dolmen of Viera

It is another dolmen very similar to Menga, also from the Neolithic period and of funerary character, with a corridor and a chamber.

From the outside, you can only see the mound, also 50 meters in diameter.

Dolmen de Viera

The dolmen of Viera is very close to the dolmen of Menga. The visit of both is very interesting, especially if it is done with a specialized guide who will tell you curiosities and with whom you can learn more about these great constructions.

Tholos del Romeral

From the Chalcolithic period, it is more modern than the other constructions we have talked about. In this case, it is not only formed by slabs, but also by slabs and stones. Its burial mound is 75 meters in diameter, but in this case it has two circular chambers, built from protruding stones.

Tholos El Romeral

Visiting it will help you appreciate the changes that took place from one era to another.

Are you still hungry for more?

If you liked the visit to the dolmens of Antequera and you wanted to know more, you can visit the dolmen of Soto, on the outskirts of Trigueros, a municipality of Huelva. It is another of the most important dolmens in the region.

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