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Literary routes through Andalusia: following in the footsteps of famous writers

Andalusia has been the inspiration of many artists. Some lived in some of its narrow streets, others were visitors who were impressed, but all of them left a legacy and traces that we can follow.

One of the most enriching activities in Andalusia is learning about these writers and seeing firsthand what they saw. That’s why we are going to make you this post in which you will discover several routes of famous writers.

The Moguer of Juan Ramón Jiménez

Apart from being a very beautiful white village named Bien de Interés Cultural, Moguer has been the reference of many of the works of Juan Ramón Jiménez, who was born and lived there.

On the facades of the streets you will see tiles in which you can read fragments of his works related to the place. Visit his birthplace, where he lived until he was 4 years old. It is located on Calle de la Ribera, number 2, and he mentioned it in his book“Platero y yo“.

Casa Juan Ramon Jimenez
Zenobia House-Museum

The route continues with a visit to the Casa Museo Zenobia, where he lived as an adult with his wife and where many of their belongings are preserved.

Literary Seville

In Seville you can visit many places related to literature and its writers. You can even find Corrales de Comedias, which were used during the Golden Century, although as you know, in the old days theater was not considered literature.

In Seville lived Miguel de Cervantes, Antonio Machado and the poet Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, among others.

Antonio Machado lived for a while in the Palacio de Dueñas, which you can visit today. In fact, it is a beautiful place with valuable tapestries and a dreamlike garden.

Glorieta de Becquer en Sevilla
The three states of love at the Glorieta de Bécquer

When you go to Maria Luisa Park, do not leave without visiting the Glorieta de Becquer, where you will see three women representing the three states of love. I recommend that before you go you get information about the sculpture complex or go with a guide. You can do that for only 10€ with our tour of Plaza España and Maria Luisa Park.

Another place you can see is the tomb of Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer in the Pantheon of Illustrious Sevillians, which is located in the Faculty of Fine Arts, in the Plaza de la Encarnación. To enter the Pantheon you will have to book a visit in advance. You will see that in the tomb people leave papers with poems.

The Granada of Lorca and Washington Irving

Granada is a city to fall in love with and two of its lovers were Irving and Lorca. In fact, before visiting the Alhambra we recommend reading “Tales of the Alhambra” by Washington Irvin.

There is a very complete route of Washington Irving that goes from Huelva to Granada, since the writer traveled through Andalusia to document himself, but as for Granada, he lived in the Alhambra, first in the Palace of Carlos V and then in the Apartments of Isabel de Farnesio.

Palacio de Carlos V
Palace of Carlos V

Lorca also lived in Granada for a time. He first lived in what is now the García Lorca Park. You can visit his house right there. He also lived in a house in the Realejo neighborhood, which today is called Casa Museo Manuel De Falla, where, of course, the composer from Cadiz also lived.

You can also attend one of its many concerts, since it is used as an auditorium.

Finally, we recommend you to visit other places related to Lorca such as the Literary and Scientific Artistic Center, the Chikito restaurant, where literary figures and artists of the time used to go, and the Botanical Park of the University of Granada, where Lorca liked to walk in his free time.

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