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Guide to train travel in Morocco

If you do not like to haggle to take a cab to go from one place to another, let us tell you that it is possible to travel by train in Morocco. Of course, it has its advantages and disadvantages and you should know in advance which cities have train stations.

That’s why, in this post, we are going to tell you about the trains in Morocco. How are the trains in Morocco? Are they worth paying first class? Do they reach all important destinations?

How are the trains in Morocco?

Morocco’s trains are comfortable and cheap. In fact, they are more advisable and more punctual than regular buses.

Most of them are regional trains, but there are some high-speed trains, the“Al Boraq“.

Tren de Marruecos

You should know that Morocco’s railway infrastructure is still not very developed compared to other countries. They are currently working to add more stations and lines.

Is it worth paying first class?

From our point of view, yes, especially if it is a trip of more than one hour. In Moroccan trains there are usually two classes: second class or what is the same, tourist class, and first class.

In second class you are not assigned seats, so you will have to walk around the train to find a free seat. Meanwhile, in first class you are assigned a seat, there is a bathroom, there is air conditioning and the seats are more spacious. In addition, the economic difference is not much, it is usually about 10€ approximately.

Do they reach all major destinations?

It depends on what you consider an important destination. Sadly, we are of the opinion that it is not.

It is true that you will reach by train big cities like Rabat, Casablanca, Marrakech…. And to other very attractive ones, such as Fez and Meknes; but there is still no station in Tetouan (the white dove of Morocco), nor in Chaouen (the blue village of Morocco).

Chaouen en Marruecos
Chaouen, the blue village, the most photogenic of Morocco

So, if you want to see Tetouan and Chaouen, we recommend you to book our trip to the North of Morocco. So you can see them without problems, from only 225€.

Which train route is the best?

We recommend the Tangier-Rabat-Casablanca route. You can do it in a short time and it is very comfortable if you go to Morocco from Spain by plane or Ferry. Once in Casablanca, you can continue your trip through Morocco by hiring one of our tours from Casablanca with transfers included, such as this tour of the Imperial Cities.

The beautiful Mosque of Casablanca

If you want to do the route the other way around, it is also possible. Other good train route options are Marrakech-Essaouira or Fez-Meknes-Rabat, if your plane will arrive in Fez instead of Tangier or Marrakech. Please note that Fez also has its own airport with cheap flights.

In any case, it is best that you complete your trip with us so that you can get everywhere.

How can I book my train ticket?

You can book it on the ONCF website or buy it at the ticket office. But be careful, and remember that some cities have more than one train station, so you will have to consider which one is the most convenient for you, either for the proximity to the hotel or to the points you want to see in the city if you are not going to stay overnight.

Is there going to be a train from Spain to Morocco?

This, for the moment, is a curiosity, and is that both governments are considering connecting both countries through a tunnel, through which a train would pass. Yes, the same as between France and Great Britain.

It would be wonderful, but for the moment, it is something that is only in the air. So we will be waiting for any news to inform you.

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