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Guide to the best places with ghosts in Granada

Many times in our travels we visit places where, unbeknownst to us, the locals say that paranormal events such as the appearance of ghosts happen.

Places with ghosts often have a story behind them that is also part of the charm of a city.

In Andalusia, in fact, Granada is one of the cities with more ghost stories. Therefore, so you don’t miss the intangible part of what you will see when you go to Granada, we are going to make you a guide of the best places with ghosts and we will tell you everything you should know.

The Diputación de Granada Building

This building located on Mesones Street was formerly a mosque and later a church. This church was the church of the Magdalena and was deconsecrated so that Mesones street could be aligned and to house a textile warehouse.

When work began on the foundations of the old church, paranormal phenomena began to occur. It is said that two of the workers committed suicide under strange circumstances.

When the building was remodeled again and transformed into the deputation building paranormal events continued to occur. Watchmen and staff members spoke of doors opening and closing, objects disappearing, hair pulling and even typewriters typing on their own.

Diputacion de Granada

Due to numerous complaints from workers and the fear they had, it was decided to open more windows in the building and allowed experts in the field to investigate the events for three nights in 1986.

On the third night, they saw a spectral figure, of which Andrés Soria made a sketch. That portrait was published in the IDEAL newspaper and many recognized him as a priest of the former Magdalena church, now deceased, “Father Benito”.

The Royal Chancery

Located in one of the squares in the center of Granada (Plaza Nueva), the Real Chancillería is a majestic building built by order of Charles V.

chancilleria de Granada

It was used to execute those condemned to death and from there arises its paranormal halo, since it is said that you can still hear the wails of the condemned and not only that…

In 1988 a cleaner of the building said she saw the figure of a man with a wide-brimmed hat and a faceless black cape. That is the attire worn in the 19th century by Lorenzo Huertas, nicknamed “El Cortacabezas”, as he was an executioner who executed a large number of prisoners.

It is said that his ghost appears in the room of the Royal Chancery where his garrote is still preserved, with which he executed condemned people.

The Archaeological Museum

In the Carrera del Darro, next to the Paseo de los Tristes, is the Archaeological Museum of Granada. It is said that the ghost of a lady in white wanders through its rooms. She is Doña Elvira. Her father was Hernando de Zafra, who overprotected her too much.

museo arqueologico de Granada

One day he heard Elvira and her lover, who were in her rooms. The servant Luis went to warn the boys, but Don Hernando thought he was the lover and hanged him on the balcony of the mansion. He also forbade his daughter to leave that room forever until she could not take it anymore and decided to commit suicide with poison.

Since then, Doña Elvira wanders aimlessly through the rooms of the museum and the street, looking for her beloved.

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