900973230 637734230 reservas@almanatour.com



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Política de Privacidade


Política de proteção de dados e privacidade

1.- Introdução e direito à informação

This website is property of Almanatour S.L., (hereinafter, “ALMANATOUR”) with Tax ID number B-90432782 and registered address at 19, Odonnell Street 2 B, 41001 , Seville, Spain . 

Protecting the security and privacy of your personal information is very important to ALMANATOUR. Thus the Company fully complies with the current legislation on Data Protection so that your personal information is kept safe.

This data protection act regulates the access and use of the website service that ALMANATOUR makes available to Users interested in the services offered by the Company.

If you wish to get in contact with our Data Protection Officer, you can send us an email at: reservas@almanatour.com

2.- Porque é que o ALMANATOUR está qualificado para realizar o tratamento de dados pessoais?

The personal information provided by the Users through the online register forms available on our Websites are collected by ALMANATOUR to carry out the provision of the services offered on the Website.

In accordance with the applicable privacy legislation and its implementation, ALMANATOUR, owner of the Websites, informs the User of the existence of an automated personal data file, duly registered in the General Register of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, created by ALMANATOUR under its responsibility.

3.- Tratamento de dados pessoais e como utilizamos as suas informações

ALMANATOUR may collect the Users’ personal information through registration forms. The personal information requested by ALMANATOUR may be used for the following purposes:

  1. The provision of services offered on the Website or put in contact the Users with our service providers that sometimes ALMANATOUR offers through the Website as an intermediary.
  2. Send commercial communications to Users by letter, telephone, e-mail, SMS/MMS, instant messaging or other equivalent means of communication related to the services provided by ALMANATOUR, on the condition that the User has given his/her consent to this purpose of personal data processing.

Likewise, the User consents to the processing of his or her data for the purposes of profiling, as well as for the segmentation of his or her data. The purpose of the processing may be used to analyze and draw up statistics to check the traffic and use of the Website by Users and to determine their tastes and preferences to send them promotional information in accordance with their interests.

In addition, and in accordance with the request made by the user, ALMANATOUR could share your personal details with third parties which collaborate with ALMANATOUR (travel agents) to be able to attend to the user’s request. This is in accordance with the law established in article 6.1 b) of the EU regulation 2016/679 from the European Parliament and the council of the 27th April 2016, relative to the protection of a natural person regarding the use of personal data and the free circulation of said data.

4.- Precisão dos dados e informações obrigatórias ou facultativas fornecidas pelo Utilizador

The User guarantees that the personal data provided is true and is responsible for notifying ALMANATOUR of any changes of his or her personal information. The User is responsible for the veracity of the data provided and the Entity has the right to no longer provide a service to any User who has provided false information, without prejudice to other actions stipulated by law.

It is recommended to take the utmost care in matters of Data Protection using security tools. ALMANATOUR cannot be held responsible for any theft, modification or loss of illicit data.

5.- Regras de conduta

ALMANATOUR will cancel the registrations of Users who: (i) include or promote illegal, immoral, obscene or harmful material; (ii) promote any type of discrimination; (iii) Submit bulk, junk, or spam e-mail or newsgroup communications when they have not been requested; (iv) violate any third parties’ intellectual or industrial property rights. Likewise, the User will refrain from using and collecting data from the mailing lists that can be accessed through the information and services contained in the Website. These are used for carrying out activities for promotional or advertising purposes. The User will also refrain from sending any kind of commercial communications, which have not been requested or previously permitted by ALMANATOUR and / or the Users of the Website.

The personal information provided will be kept by ALMANATOUR as long as the User does not express his or her wish to unsubscribe from the services of ALMANATOUR and receive information on products of the company.

6.- Exercer o direito de acesso, retificação, cancelamento ou oposição aos Dados Pessoais detidos no ficheiro

The User has the right to (i) access his/her personal information, as well as (ii) request the rectification of inaccurate information or, where necessary, (iii) request deleting his or her personal information, as well as (iv) request the limitation of the processing of his/her information, (v) oppose the processing of his/her information, and (vi) exercise the right to be forgotten and (vii) request the information’s portability.

To exercise these rights, the User must prove his/her identity to ALMANATOUR by sending a photocopy of his/her National Identity Card or any other legally valid documentation.

The User can exercise his/her rights by sending an email to reservas@almanatour.com indicating his/her request.

The User may also send his or her request by mail to the following address:


Calle Odonnell 19 2 B 

41001 Seville  

Without prejudice to any other administrative resource or legal action, the User shall have the right to file a complaint before a Control Authority, in the Member State in which the User resides, works or where the alleged infringement took place, if he or she considers that the processing of his/her personal information is not used in accordance with the law and if he/she is not satisfied with the exercise of his/her rights. The Control Authority that has received the complaint shall inform the complainant of the outcome of the complaint and the outcome of the complaint.

7.- Segurança

The protection of the privacy and personal information of all its customers and visitors is extremely important to ALMANATOUR. Therefore, ALMANATOUR will do anything in its power to prevent Users’ personal information from being misused. Only authorized personnel can access your personal information.

ALMANATOUR maintains the security levels of personal information protection in accordance with the applicable regulations and has established all the technical means at its disposal to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of all the data that Users provide through the Websites, without prejudice to informing you that the Internet’s security measures are not impregnable.

ALMANATOUR undertakes to comply with the duty of secrecy and confidentiality with respect to personal information in accordance with the applicable legislation, as well as to provide a secure processing in all international cessions and transfers that may occur.

8.- Consultas

If you have any queries related to this privacy policy, please contact us at reservas@almanatour.com

9.- Aceitação e Consentimento

The User declares that he/she has been informed of the conditions regarding their data protection and accept and consent to their personal information being processed by ALMANATOUR SL for the purposes already indicated in this Privacy Policy.



  • Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy


Uso de cookies en sitios web de ALMANATOUR SL
La presente cláusula de divulgación explica “qué son las cookies” y los tipos de cookies que utiliza la Empresa en sus sitios web. Habrás escuchado hablar de las cookies. Si no sabes lo que son te lo explicamos. Se trata de pequeñas unidades de información que tienen como objetivo verificar tu identidad en el momento del acceso a nuestra web. Gracias a este método podemos garantizarte que la compra será fructífera en su totalidad, evitando posibles dificultades.
Para que te hagas una idea más clara, las cookies son las encargadas de gestionar e identificar tu navegación por el sitio web. Si quieres permitir que las cookies se activen te lo explicamos de una manera muy sencilla:

Si usas Microsoft Internet Explorer
Herramientas > Opciones de Internet > Privacidad> aceptar
Si usas Netscape browser
Tramitar > Ajustes > Ampliar > Cookies (aceptar todos los cookies)
Si usas Opera
Fichero > Ajustes > Esfera privada > Aceptar todos los cookies sin consulta
Si usas Mozilla Firefox
herramientas > opciones > Privacidad > Aceptar Cookies
En el caso que tengas alguna duda, puedes contactar con nosotros.
¿Qué son las cookies? Una “cookie” es un archivo de texto que los sitios web envían a la computadora u otro dispositivo conectado a Internet de un visitante para identificar de manera única el navegador del visitante o para almacenar información o configuraciones en el navegador.
¿La Empresa utiliza cookies en sus sitios web? Sí, ALMANATOUR SL, utiliza cookies en sus sitios web para mejorar los mismos y brindar servicios y funcionalidad a sus usuarios. Puedes restringir o deshabilitar el uso de cookies a través de tu navegador. Sin embargo, sin cookies, es posible que no puedas utilizar todas las funciones de los sitios web.
¿Qué tipos de cookies se utilizan en los sitios web de la Empresa?
Cookies estrictamente necesarias. Estas cookies son esenciales para llevar a cabo una solicitud iniciada por tí. Incluyen recordar información que hayas proporcionado al navegar por el sitio web y administrar tu estado de conexión durante la sesión.
Cookies funcionales. Estas cookies permiten que el sitio web recuerde las elecciones que has hecho para brindarle funcionalidad para tu beneficio. Por ejemplo, las cookies funcionales permiten que el sitio web recuerde las configuraciones específicas para tí, como su selección de país y estado de conexión persistente si lo has seleccionado.
Cookies analíticas. Estas cookies nos permiten recolectar datos relacionados con el uso que haces del sitio web, incluido el contenido en el cual haces clic mientras navegas por el sitio web, para mejorar el rendimiento y diseño del sitio web. Estas cookies pueden ser proporcionadas por nuestro proveedor externo de herramientas analíticas, pero se utilizan únicamente para los fines relacionados con nuestros sitios web.
Cookies de destinatarios. Estas cookies recuerdan información relacionada con el uso que haces del sitio web para que podamos brindarte servicios de información promocional y otros tipos de información para el destinatario en nuestro sitio web.
¿Cómo deshabilitas o eliminas las cookies?
Cada tipo de navegador web ofrece formas de restringir o eliminar cookies. Para obtener más información sobre cómo administrar cookies, visita el enlace correspondiente a continuación: